Latest Sermons

We live stream the full service every week.

It's almost Easter and for us here at CrossRoads that means prepparing through prayer, fasting, and caring for others.  We are studying "The Cost of Discipleship" this Lent, looking at those who have given their lives as martyrs for the Good News. 

Head to our YouTube channel to catch the live stream


Register for Music and Arts Camp
July 7–11, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Join us for another Music and Arts Camp. This year the musical the kids will be learning and performing is called "Down by the Creek Bank" by Dotti Rambo.

We're inviting students that have completed Kindergarten through age 14. There will be singing and rehearsals, art projects daily, games and activities.  Bring your own lunch and water bottle. Camp cost is $150. Includes music book and download, art supplies, and a camp shirt.

The final performance will be Friday, July 11th at 7pm. Scholarships are available.  

Register for VBS
Kids and Volunteers

It's already time to prepare for our Vacation Bible School. This year it will be June 23–27, from 9:00am–12:00pm Monday through Friday. 

We're inviting kids who will have turned 4 by September 1st through those that have completed 5th grade.

We are also looking for volunteers to help lead groups. You can register at the link below as well.

Register Now
Extraordinary Women's Conference
September 19th–20th, 2025

Early Registration is here through March 31st! Head here to register, and let Ginnie Bullis know if you'd like to join CRCCs official group and she can give you the group information. 


Register More information
Get Connected with a Community Group
Groups are an intimate setting for prayer and worship and provide opportunities for outreach and ministry to others.

Community Groups provide a place for exploring the meaning and application of the Christian faith with others.
We build personal relationships, sharing both great news and disappointments with people who love you. 

There are several groups that you can join, each meeting at various times and in different local areas.


This Fall all our Community Groups will be studying the same series, a book titled Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado. Now is the perfect time to visit different groups to find one that is the right fit. 

Find a Group
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RightNow Media is a library for streaming Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership developments, and much more. They aim to equip the church with tools for discipleship and growth.
Send us a request to receive your invitation to register for RightNow Media access at or click on the link below.

You can also Text the code:  CRCCMD to 49775


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