
John 5: 16-23
Our Father

If you want to know all about God, listen to Jesus.  He’s known Him forever.  Jesus taught us the major truths about God: His love, His holiness, His justice, His power, His omniscience, His providence.  But there is one lesson that supersedes every other lesson He ever gave.  There is one title for God that is repeated in the gospels 189 times, 124 of them in the gospel of John.  And that title for God is – FATHER.  More than anything else, more than any other concept of God, more than any other theme about God, Jesus majored on the fact that He was Father. “Father” was always Jesus’ special way of referring to God.  He said, “My Father,” our Father,””your Father,” and just plain Father.”  John MacArthur

As we look to the specific teaching of Jesus, we get a better understanding of God as our Father, and what it means to be earthly fathers.